Friday, April 09, 2010

When Trey looks like Jesus to me

You seeing Jesus anywhere these days? My six year old is giving me lots of lessons in childlike faith.

After Community Bible Study a few weeks ago, our neighbor on the dock looked up with a bemused expression on his face as I approached him deep in conversation with Trey. He smiled and said, "He is telling me it is the resurrection, not Easter."

Trey says “God bless you” to everyone instead of “good-bye” and two nights ago he said it to a man and woman we had spent an hour chatting with in the hot tub. She had been pretty quiet the entire time and let her partner talk, but turned back to us when she heard Trey say that and launched into an animated God conversation! She is new to our marina and hungry for Christian fellowship, but hadn’t said anything until he uttered that blessing. I need to be bold for Him!!!! (Chris faithfully follows Trey's lead in this, but has also expanded the practice to include such things as shouting to the sky "God bless you, airplane.")

And then yesterday, at the grocery story, I, without thought, declined to give a dollar to the March of Dimes when offered the opportunity by the cashier. Trey says, “What’s that, mommy?” When I described the charity and admitted they did lots of good work, he thought for a moment then asked me for a dollar of his allowance money then promptly handed it to the cashier. Shamed and humbled is the only word to describe how I felt at that moment.

Thank you, God, for blessing my life with these wonderful children!


Marnie Swedberg, Leadership Mentor said...

I'm crying. Go, God, through the babies, but, honestly! Let it be me!!

Thanks for sharing, Vicki!

Joyce Kopcik, Barefoot said...

We're enjoying reading your blog. Love these stories about Trey and Chris. Neat meeting some more Christian neighbors. Looking forward to seeing you next month.