Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dave E. looks alot like Jesus to me

Earlier today, I was encouraging our boys to be kind to each other - like their dad. Then on the phone with a friend, I shared this journal entry I had just re-read from March 28, 2006:

"Last week Gunnar was having trouble remembering not to put his face in his food (literally) at the dinner table. I finally got so annoyed with him that I told him if he did it again - no food for the rest of the night.

On Thursday night he made it almost all the way through dinner, then did it again - so no more dinner. We went shopping at Wal-Mart later and he begged me for "a small microcosm of a banana". At first I said no, then relented and said that if he promised never to do that again, he could have a banana. He carried it around for a few minutes in anticipation of eating it when we checked out, then handed the banana back and said that even though he didn't want to put his face in his food again, he couldn't promise it wouldn't happen. Wow.

On Friday night, we prayed for our dinner and Gunnar immediately put his face in it. Oh my! He was upset when we had him take his plate to the sink. He went to his room and was so very sad. We could hear his sobs at the dinner table.

After a few minutes, Dave E. got up and went to him. When he returned to the dinner table, he brought Gunnar with and they both sat at the table. Dave then took his plate and put in in front of Gunnar. Dave did not eat any more that night. Gunnar was slow to start eating - and hasn't put his face in his food again."

It's December 2010, and that habit has never resurfaced. All my raging and bribing to stop that bad habit had no effect. Dave's mercy to our son reached his heart in a single act and changed it and his behavior.

What Jesus did for us on the cross was even more profound, but Dave's living example in our home is such a blessing to us all. God, help me be more like my amazing husband!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE this story. Matt is also this way, (Dave ways)... side. This is a good reminder to me that sometimes mercy is the answer!