Monday, January 31, 2011

Things I learned from Michael Chowdry

Never take no for an answer

This is not an individual memory, but an axiom of life that I learned from Michael. No matter what people tell you, no matter what they say – do not take no for an answer – do whatever it takes to get the job done or figure out the problem. This meant that Michael would drive us all crazy by having lots of people working on the same project – he figured one of us was bound to get it done - and we would sometimes stumble all over each other. I got to the point where I would check with other people on staff before I started working on his requests, just to make sure I was the only person working it. The duplication of effort often irritated me, but he did it because it worked – again and again, it worked. Made me very determined to be the person who got it done.

Meet with people face-to-face

In an age of phones and faxes, Michael was relentless in his commitment to face-to-face communication. It was a costly commitment – kept him away from home - but he was legendary in his interpersonal communication skills. I can remember walking into his office vowing I would not take on any more of his projects - my work day was always overloaded - and then I would walk out of his office excited about the new challenge he had given me. UGH! When Michael sat down with someone in his office on the comfy couch or chair du jour, it was not just business, it was an important personal encounter.

I will always remember!

1 comment:

cindy said...

Weird. For the strangest reason, I was thinking about Michael the other day. I was thinking about how sad that day was when you called me and told me the news about the plane crash. It seems like yesterday but it also seems like a lifetime ago...